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If you owned property in Bennington, North Bennington, or Shaftsbury, Vermont on March 14, 2016 (see below map), you may entitled to significant compensation from a $26.2 million settlement with Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation based on allegations that they contaminated property and drinking water with a chemical called Perfluorooctanoic Acid (“PFOA”).

In order to best serve our current clients, Lex is no longer accepting new clients for this case.  If you believe you have a claim in this case, we encourage you to file it on the official claims administration site:  www.benningtonvtclassaction.com before the current August 22, 2022 deadline.

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About the Case

Bennington Vermont Water Contamination Settlement

Bennington, Vermont Water Contamination Settlement

For several decades, Chemfab Corporation, now owned by Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation (“Saint-Gobain”), manufactured coated fabric and other products in the Bennington area using a compound called Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate (“APFO”). Plaintiffs allege that the use of APFO at these plants resulted in the release of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (“PFOA”) into the environment, contaminating the soil and groundwater in area outlined in the map below (the “Zone of Concern”).

A $26,200,000 Settlement has now been reached with Saint-Gobain in a class action lawsuit by residents in the Zone of Concern. The case is captioned Sullivan, et al. v. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation, as case no. 5:16-cv-125 venued in the United States District Court for the District of Vermont.

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Two Settlement Classes:‍

1. Property Class: You may be a member of the Property Class if you: (a) owned residential real property in the Zone of Concern on March 14, 2016; OR (b) in the limited circumstances where you purchased residential real property after March 14, 2016, that was subsequently added to the Zone of Concern. As shown on the below map, the Zone of Concern includes portions of the Towns of Bennington, North Bennington, and Shaftsbury, Vermont.‍

Property Class Members include people who receive water from the municipal water supply as well as people who use private wells (even if your well is or was not contaminated with PFOA or has or had low levels of PFOA). You must be an individual (e.g., not a corporation) to recover.‍

2. Exposure Class: You may be a member of the Exposure Class if you: (a) resided in the Zone of Concern on or before August 23, 2019; (b) ingested water with PFOA in the Zone; and, (c) have a blood serum test showing a PFOA blood level above 2.1 ppb.

If you meet the first two criteria, above, but have not yet had a blood test, the Medical Monitoring Program will make one available to you free of charge within the first 180 days of the Program.‍


Neither the Court nor a jury has decided the question of Saint-Gobain’s liability for the PFOA contamination. The parties have agreed to the terms of this Settlement to avoid the cost, delay and uncertainty that come with further litigation and trial. The agreement to settle is not an admission of liability by Saint-Gobain, and Saint-Gobain disputes the claims asserted in this case.

If you owned property in the Zone of Concern on March 14, 2016, you may be eligible to receive significant compensation from this $26.2 million class action settlement.

Our Services

What We Can Do For You

Lex Recovery Group is a leading outsource solution in class action recoveries. Our team has helped thousands of individuals and companies recover millions of dollars in refunds from dozens class action settlements.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you in recovering a refund from the this settlement. Oftentimes eligible parties fail to file a claim because they believe that the potential refund is not worth their effort or they are just too busy - so let us do the work for you. We only recover if you do.

Using Lex is easy - simply fill out the form below and we'll take it from there.

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**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.dealershipclassdmssettlement.com.
**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.hinousasettlement.com.
As the filing deadline has passed, we are no longer accepting clients for this class action. If we are already handling your claim for this class action, we will keep you updated with any case updates. Please contact us directly at info@lexrecoverygroup.com if you have any additional questions concerning your claim.
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Every year, dozens of cases are settled for millions of dollars. And every year, thousands of eligible parties fail to claim their fair share of these settlements. Don't miss out on the money you deserve.