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Let's get you the refund you deserve

If you purchased Interior Molded Doors directly from JELD-WEN or Masonite between October 19, 2014 and December 31, 2018 you may be entitled to a refund from a $61,600,000 class action settlement.

Deadline to File: September 24, 2021.

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About the Case

IMD Direct Purchaser Class Action Lawsuit

IMD Direct Purchaser Antitrust Litigation

Plaintiffs allege that JELD-WEN, Inc. and Masonite Corporation (collectively “Defendants”) conspired to fix prices of interior molded doors, or “IMDs,” in the United States, in violation of the United States antitrust laws. IMDs are a type of interior door made by sandwiching a wood frame and a hollow or solid core between two door skins. For purposes of this Settlement, IMDs include slabs, which may be sold as a single slab or as “bi folds,” as well as pre hung doors, which consist of an IMD slab affixed to a door frame. A Settlement has been reached with Defendants, which have agreed to pay $61,600,000 ($30,800,000 each) into a Settlement Fund. Defendants deny they are liable for any of the claims asserted against them but have agreed to settle to avoid the cost and risk of a trial.

The proposed settlement class (the “Settlement Class”) consists of all persons or entities that purchased IMDs in the United States directly from either or both Defendants at any time from October 19, 2014 to December 31, 2018. The only exceptions are if you are affiliated with either of the Defendants, a federal government entity, or an immediate relative of the Honorable John A. Gibney, Jr., the judge presiding over this litigation, or a member of his staff.

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Our Services

What We Can Do For You

Lex Recovery Group is a leading outsource solution in class action recoveries. Our team has helped thousands of individuals and companies recover millions of dollars in refunds from dozens class action settlements.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you in recovering a refund from the this settlement. Oftentimes eligible parties fail to file a claim because they believe that the potential refund is not worth their effort or they are just too busy - so let us do the work for you. We only recover if you do.

Using Lex is easy - simply fill out the form below and we'll take it from there.

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**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.dealershipclassdmssettlement.com.
**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.hinousasettlement.com.
As the filing deadline has passed, we are no longer accepting clients for this class action. If we are already handling your claim for this class action, we will keep you updated with any case updates. Please contact us directly at info@lexrecoverygroup.com if you have any additional questions concerning your claim.
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Every year, dozens of cases are settled for millions of dollars. And every year, thousands of eligible parties fail to claim their fair share of these settlements. Don't miss out on the money you deserve.