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If you are a peanut farmer who sold peanuts to Golden Peanut, Birdsong or Olam at any time since 2014, you may be eligible to receive significant compensation from an antitrust class action that alleges the defendants colluded to fix prices paid to farmers to increase their own profit. Farmers that were manipulated have an opportunity to fight back and receive the compensation they deserve.

Deadline to file: 07/13/2021

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About the Case

Peanut Farmer Class Action Lawsuit

Peanut Farmer Antitrust Lawsuit

Several peanut farmers, along with a determined legal team, discovered that since the beginning of 2014, the prices paid by peanut shelling companies have remained remarkably low. In their investigation into the stagnant prices, they noticed that there were significant market changes and supply disruptions that should have affected the price that farmers were receiving for their peanuts. From these discoveries, a lawsuit was brought against Birdsong and Golden Peanut that alleged they coordinated with each other and over-reported their peanut and runner inventory to the USDA to create the illusion of an oversupplied market to drive down the purchase price of peanuts from farmers. This allowed these large companies to hold the defendants to artificially low runner prices to farmers.  

The defendants also under-reported peanut and runner prices to the USDA to further suppress prices and keep them low and less volatile. Birdsong and Golden Peanut offer nearly identical shelling contracts to farmers, often within the same day of one another, to limit the negotiating power and pricing options for farmers.

Because the peanut selling industry is highly consolidated into only a handful of companies and a lack of transparent pricing, the industry is particularly susceptible to these types of anti-trust conspiracies. As a result, peanut prices are dictated through private contracting between shelling companies and peanut farmers. Controlling almost 90% of the market, the defendants were able to control the prices offered to peanut farmers.  

Judge Raymond A Jackson, District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, denied the defendant’s motions to dismiss the complaints on May 13, 2020. He ruled that the plaintiffs sufficiently alleged that Golden Peanut and Birdsong shellers colluded to lower the prices they paid to peanut farmers. Two weeks later, the plaintiffs class was amended to include Oman Peanut Shelling Company, who were also included in the collusion allegations to control prices offered to peanut farmers.

On April 5, 2021, the Court approved settlements with Olam and Birdsong totaling $57,750,000. The Golden Peanut Settlement, along with the Olam and Birdsong settlements, total $102,750,000, which will be distributed to Class Members who file valid Claims in accordance with a distribution plan approved by the Court.

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What We Can Do For You

Lex Recovery Group is a leading outsource solution in class action recoveries. Our team has helped thousands of individuals and companies recover millions of dollars in refunds from dozens class action settlements.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you in recovering a refund from the this settlement. Oftentimes eligible parties fail to file a claim because they believe that the potential refund is not worth their effort or they are just too busy - so let us do the work for you. We only recover if you do.

Using Lex is easy - simply fill out the form below and we'll take it from there.

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**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.dealershipclassdmssettlement.com.
**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.hinousasettlement.com.
As the filing deadline has passed, we are no longer accepting clients for this class action. If we are already handling your claim for this class action, we will keep you updated with any case updates. Please contact us directly at info@lexrecoverygroup.com if you have any additional questions concerning your claim.
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Every year, dozens of cases are settled for millions of dollars. And every year, thousands of eligible parties fail to claim their fair share of these settlements. Don't miss out on the money you deserve.