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Let's get you the refund you deserve

If your company purchased any Pork Products directly from a Pork Producer between January 1, 2009 and January 12, 2021, you may be entitled to a substantial refund from this $101,864,300 antitrust class action settlement. Additional settlements may follow.

So far, defendants Smithfield Foods, Inc. and JBS USA Food Company have settled allegations that they conspired to fix and raise the price of Pork Products. If your company directly purchased pork products from a pork producer, you must act fast to obtain your fair share of this settlement. We only recover if you do.

*As the court-imposed deadline for filing claims is Tuesday June 14, 2022, we are no longer accepting clients in this matter.

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About the Case

Pork Antitrust Litigation

Pork Antitrust Litigation

In July of 2021, a class action antitrust complaint was filed in Federal Court in the Northern District of New York against several pork industry giants. The complaint alleged that the pork integrator defendants conspired with each other and with defendant Agri Stats to “fix, raise, maintain, and stabilize the price of pork” in violation of Federal Antitrust laws.

Defendant Agri Stats, the complaint alleged, provided comprehensive reports to the defendants that were customized and would not be normally provided in a lawful and competitive market. The plaintiff explained that “the data exchanged through Agri Stats is a classic enforcement and implementation mechanism of a price-fixing scheme.” Agri Stats also ensured that its “detailed, sensitive business information was available only to pork producers and not to the public or purchasers like Plaintiff.” Plaintiffs alleged that the defendants simply coordinated and limited both output and production in an effort to increase United States pork prices.

As of April of 2022, there have been two settlements by defendants Smithfield Foods, Inc. and JBS USA Food Company for a combined $101,864,300.

In addition to Smithfield Foods and JBS, defendant pork producers named in the plaintiffs' complaint were Clemens Food Group, LLC, The Clemens Family Corporation, Hormel Foods Corporation, Indiana Packers Corporation, Seaboard Foods LLC, Smithfield Foods, Inc., Triumph Foods, LLC, Tyson Foods, Inc., Tyson Prepared Foods, Inc., andTyson Fresh Meats, Inc., Collectively, the named defendants control more than 80% of the USA wholesale pork market, according to the filing.

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Our Services

What We Can Do For You

Lex Recovery Group is a leading outsource solution in class action recoveries. Our team has helped thousands of individuals and companies recover millions of dollars in refunds from dozens class action settlements.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you in recovering a refund from the this settlement. Oftentimes eligible parties fail to file a claim because they believe that the potential refund is not worth their effort or they are just too busy - so let us do the work for you. We only recover if you do.

Using Lex is easy - simply fill out the form below and we'll take it from there.

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**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.dealershipclassdmssettlement.com.
**We are no longer accepting new claims in this matter. You can also consult the official claims administration site at www.hinousasettlement.com.
As the filing deadline has passed, we are no longer accepting clients for this class action. If we are already handling your claim for this class action, we will keep you updated with any case updates. Please contact us directly at info@lexrecoverygroup.com if you have any additional questions concerning your claim.
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Every year, dozens of cases are settled for millions of dollars. And every year, thousands of eligible parties fail to claim their fair share of these settlements. Don't miss out on the money you deserve.